Great Music And Fun Pranks

Alice Chalifoux, pictured here, was the Orchestra’s principal harpist from 1931 until her retirement in 1974. She was appointed by our first music director, Sokoloff, and continued to be member of the Orchestra, performing under the batons of Rodzinski, Leinsdorf, Szell, Boulez, and Maazel! She was quite a spunky lady, with a great sense of humor.

Her remarkable memory and quick wit were captured during an interview for the Orchestra’s oral history collection.

Click on the play button below to listen as she reminisces about some unexpected moments and practical jokes involving Rodzinski and Leinsdorf. The first voice you’ll hear is that of Carol Jacobs, then archivist of the Orchestra, and the interviewer (in the first story, they are referring to Rodzinski).


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